Sunday, March 30, 2008

Angie and Brad did NOT marry!!

An online source reported that the famous couple got married in New Orleans on Saturday. However, according to usmagazine's sources the story is not true. Their reps did not comment on the initial report of a marriage. Apparently in 2006 Brad told Esquire magazine that the couple will wait until gay marriage is legalized to get marriaged themselves. Brad said, "Angie and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able." This is a powerful statement and once again the couple is using their notoriety and influence to make a political statement.

1 comment:

Caitlyn Kennedy said...

I'm doing a blog on George Clooney and it is interesting to see how these celebrities that are politically active find their ways to insert their political messages into media coverage. Clooney tries to insert his messages through the movies he acts in and directs, and while Angelina does this too, I think it is cool that she does it also in how she lives her own life. She is very smart because she knows the media is interested in this, and she uses it to her advantage to make a statement.